Septic & Sewage
In 1963, Don Chapin Sr. worked for and received his contractor’s license in sewage disposal.Virtually working a lifetime in this field, and passing on more knowledge than any other company has ever retained, Don was the foremost expert in Septic and Sewage Disposal. With tens of thousands of septic systems installed all over the Central Coast of California, The DonChapin Company has the expertise, the manpower, the equipment, and the experience to assess and solve every possible septic issue. After acquiring Toms Septic Service in the early two thousands, and Titus Septic of Aptos in two thousand ten, the Don Chapin Company has amassed the largest collection of installation records of ANY company or ANY public agency.We have records dating back to septic installations of the 50’s.
Today, operating as Toms Septic Construction, the Don Chapin Company offers an array of service capabilities. From scheduled maintenance and pumping services to simple and major repairs of septic systems to installation, monitoring, and maintenance of the most sophisticated advanced treatment systems, we can take care of your needs. Chances are that if you are having trouble with your system, we have a record of it and could help in assessing and resolving your issue. We can and will provide assistance with regulatory approval and can assist as needed with placing you with an appropriate engineer should the situation require that level of expertise.
Today, Toms Septic Construction proudly displays its equipment in what is known as “Chapin and Clark Yellow”, in respect of Don Sr.’s accomplishments and contributions to this industry.This yellow color reminds us daily of Don and how important it was to him to make sure thatEVERY customer was well taken care of and satisfied by the work performed EVERY time. Call us if we can help make a difference in your need or project.

Bid Request
If you would like more information about the Don Chapin Company’s Septic and Sewage services, please complete the form below. A representative will contact you within 24-48 hours.